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This documentary will educate the masses on the true impact of uterine fibroids in order to cultivate a stronger support system for the women enduring them. This film will empower women to own their bodies and be confident in the decision making that affects them. This film will hold our medical system accountable for adequate and equal care for women suffering from uterine fibroids.

"The Taking" is an introspective and visually stunning film that takes viewers on a profound journey into something that touches us all - death. We explore death as a human embodiment, functioning as a servant of transmutation, rather than an agent of pain. This would suggest that, perhaps we don't actually lose anyone, they simply expand into forever form. Through four key elements: fire, earth, wind, and water, four lives make their transition, allowing viewers to expand their perspective when it comes to the "exit" of a human life. ​ Art is a powerful medium that is the only language we all speak. Why not use it to heal? We invite you to join us in creating a powerful cinematic piece that will not only shift the world of cinema, but shift many hearts as well.

©2021 by H. Pearl Creative, LLC.

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